Zora is the current Project Manager of the Starting Out Safely program. Zora has been employed with ELAA (and KPV) since 2007 and this role complements her previously held position of Project Manager of the Early Childhood OH&S Champions Project.
Zora has a keen interest in occupational health and safety in children’s services and has over 20 years’ senior experience in industrial relations. Zora has championed the safe transportation of children and participates in key road safety stakeholder groups, including Road Safety Education Reference Group Australasia (RSERGA) and was on the committee of the Victorian Safe Communities Network (VSCN).
Anita is the current Program Administrator of the Starting Out Safely program. Anita has been employed with ELAA since 2011 when she was engaged to set up the initial program administrative systems, and continues to develop and administer the extensive database utilised by the program.
Anita has a Diploma of Business Administration, Diploma of Community Welfare Work and Mental Health and Cert IV in Community Services.
Christina, the Program Administration Officer, has worked at ELAA (KPV) since 2008.
She has extensive knowledge in development of websites, social media and general IT systems development. She has a Master’s Degree in Engineering (Systems Engineering), a Bachelor of Engineering (Software Systems Engineering) and a Cert III in Children’s Services.
Catharine has been a consultant and facilitator with the program since 2011.
With over 30 years’ experience practicing, leading and advocating in early childhood education Catharine Hydon is the Principal Consultant and Director at Hydon Consulting.
Catharine has extensive experience in the early childhood sector and has a Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education.
Louise has been a consultant and facilitator with the program since 2011.
Louise has extensive experience in managing early year’s services- from Inclusion Support to Family Day Care and assisted in the setup of the first Victorian Bush Kinder.
She has taught the Bachelor of Education at a number of Universities, including the Institute of Koorie Education (IKE) at Deakin University and Dramatic Arts at Victoria University. She has a Master’s of Education degree.
Gilda has been a consultant and facilitator with the program since 2011.
Gilda Howard is a consultant specialising in governance and management within the early childhood sector.
She has a Master of Education (Educational Leadership & Management) and Diploma of Business (Governance). With her professional learning including the Company Directors Course at the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
She was the CEO of Gowrie Victoria, the inaugural CEO of Bubup Womindjeka Family & Children Centre and the inaugural Chair of Glen Eira Kindergarten Association Inc.
Karen has been a consultant and facilitator with the program since 2014.
Karen Glancy is an early childhood trainer, consultant and coach. Karen has extensive experience working in all sectors of early childhood and is the principal consultant and founder of Early Childhood Pickers a consultancy and resourcing service based in Melbourne.
She has a range of qualifications including a Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies and a Horticulture Certificate
Jill facilitates our safe transportation of children sessions
Jill is a principal in Soteria Safe Sleeping Advice. She held the position National Manager of Research, Health Promotion and Bereavement Support since 2012 and has more than sixteen years’ experience working within the Red Nose (formerly SIDS and Kids) organisational structure.
Jill also has a background in nursing and specialised in rehabilitation and Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) after road trauma, promoting healthy environments and peer support activities for families and within the health industry and community settings. Jill has a Master’s degree in Health Promotion.
Debbie Cole is currently working as a trainer and consultant in early years education. She has developed and facilitated professional learning programs for the early childhood, school and OSHC sector, and has worked closely with services and organisations to strengthen and improve practice.
Debbie is a qualified kindergarten teacher and has a number of early childhood qualifications, including a Master of Education. She has extensive experience in children’s services, including managing the children’s program at Gowrie Victoria (North Carlton). She has also worked as a kindergarten teacher, OSHC and family day care coordinator, and teacher at Swinburne University and RMIT.
Debbie has a strong interest in leadership and the development of high quality curriculum and pedagogy, and uses her experience in these areas to inspire change and innovative practice.
Cam is one of our Starting Out Safely “Professors”.
He has been performing for children and families for over 25 years. He has a Diploma in Theatre. For over a decade he performed environmental theatre in schools and festivals with Vox Bandicoot going on to form his own company, Cave Mann Productions.
In 2011 he wrote ThingleToodle’s Turning 4 – a road safety education production for kindergartens which he has performed to many thousands of four-year olds.
In 2018 he won Best Independent Show at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. He also won the WA Tour Ready Award as well as being nominated for Best Comedy at the Melbourne Fringe Festival.
Eva Popov is a performer and Creative Educator and when she is not educating in kindergartens as Professor Erica Speriment she can be found running engaging workshops as part of Arts Centre Melbourne’s Creative Learning Program.
She has a Bachelor of Creative Arts and a background in music and arts education.
Paul is one of our Professor’s performing our road safety education production Thingle Toodle turns 4.
He also works as a coach teaching kids in a movement and confidence program.
Paul has a Diploma in theatre and a Cert IV in Fitness coaching and is passionate about combining play, laughter and learning.
ELAA delivers Victoria’s early childhood road safety education program, Starting Out Safely, on behalf of the
Transport Accident Commision (TAC).
Contact the RSE team by email: rse@elaa.org.au
© 2017-2020 Early Learning Association Australia